Food grade Palm Stearin



Food-grade palm stearin has several industrial applications in the food industry. Here are some common uses:

  • Margarine and Shortening:
    Food-grade palm stearin is extensively used in the production of margarine and shortening. It provides the desired texture, stability, and mouthfeel to these products. Palm stearin contributes to the creamy and smooth texture of margarine while improving its spreadability. In shortening, it helps to give the desired plasticity for baking purposes.
  • Bakery Products:
    Palm stearin finds application in various bakery products such as cookies, cakes, pastries, and bread. It helps improve the structure and texture of baked goods, providing a desirable crumb texture and mouthfeel. Palm stearin’s solid-state at room temperature contributes to the desired solidification and shelf stability of baked goods.
  • Confectionery:
    Food-grade palm stearin is utilized in the production of confectionery items like chocolates, candies, and fillings. It helps to enhance the texture, stability, and glossiness of these products. Palm stearin’s ability to withstand temperature fluctuations without melting easily is beneficial for confectionery production.
  • Frying and Cooking Oils:
    Palm stearin is often blended with other vegetable oils to produce frying and cooking oils. It provides improved stability, solidification, and extended shelf life to these oils. By including palm stearin, frying and cooking oils are better able to withstand high temperatures, reduce oil absorption in fried foods, and maintain texture and taste.
  • Whipped Toppings and Creams:
    Food-grade palm stearin can be used in the production of whipped toppings and creams. It contributes to the stability and stiffness necessary for easy whipping and the retention of air bubbles. Palm stearin’s solid fat structure helps maintain the desired texture and stability of these products.

It’s important to note that food-grade palm stearin is produced following strict quality and safety regulations to ensure its suitability for human consumption.

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