Palm olein


Palm Olein is a derivative of palm oil, specifically the liquid fraction obtained after the process of fractionation.


  • Appearance:
    Palm Olein has a clear, golden-yellow color. It is transparent and does not have any visible solids or impurities.
  • Texture:
    Palm Olein is a liquid at room temperature. It has a smooth and pourable consistency, making it easy to handle and use.
  • Melting Point:
    Palm Olein does not have a distinct melting point since it remains in a liquid state at room temperature. However, it has a solidification point around 24 to 28 degrees Celsius (75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Density:
    The density of Palm Olein can vary depending on factors like temperature. However, at room temperature, it typically has a density of around 0.91 to 0.92 grams per millilitre.
  • Viscosity:
    Palm Olein has a relatively low viscosity, allowing it to flow easily. This characteristic makes it suitable for various applications, including cooking and frying.
  • Odor and Flavor:
    Palm Olein has a neutral odor and mild flavor. It does not have any strong or distinct aromas, allowing it to be versatile in culinary applications without overpowering the taste of the dishes.
  • Shelf Life:
    Palm Olein has a good shelf life due to its natural stability and relatively high level of antioxidants present in palm oil. When stored properly in a cool and dark place, it can maintain its quality and freshness for an extended period.

Note: It’s important to note that the physical features of Palm Olein may vary slightly depending on the specific source, processing method, and quality of the palm oil used in its production.


Palm Olein has various industrial applications across different sectors. Some common industrial applications of Palm Olein include:

  • Food Processing and Manufacturing:
    Palm Olein is widely utilized in the food industry for various purposes. It is commonly used as a cooking oil due to its high smoke point, making it suitable for frying, deep-frying, and other high-temperature cooking processes. Additionally, Palm Olein can be used as an ingredient in the production of snacks, baked goods, margarine, and other food products.
  • Food Service and Catering:
    Palm Olein finds extensive use in the food service and catering industry. It is commonly used by restaurants, cafes, and catering businesses for frying, sautéing, and general cooking purposes.
  • Industrial Baking:
    Palm Olein is used as a key ingredient in the manufacturing of bakery products. It provides desired texture, moisture, and structure to items like bread, pastries, cakes, and biscuits.
  • Industrial Frying:
    Due to its high smoke point and excellent stability, Palm Olein is a popular choice for industrial frying applications. It is commonly used by fast-food chains, snack manufacturers, and other food processing companies for frying snacks, pre-prepared foods, and convenience food items.
  • Personal Care and Cosmetics:
    Palm Olein is sometimes used in the production of personal care and cosmetic products. It can be found in formulations of soaps, shower gels, lotions, creams, and various skincare products.
  • Biofuel:
    Palm Olein can be used as a feedstock for the production of biodiesel. It can undergo transesterification to convert it into a usable biofuel that can be blended with petrodiesel or used as a standalone fuel.

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